The RACE From Egypt!

Caravan’s lighthearted telling of the Passover story. Featuring original songs and LOADS of puppets!

The RACE is on!

Caravan’s telling of Moses and the Jewish People’s exodus from Egypt with puppetry, music, and song. The program is a great fit for pre-k – 4th graders and families. Our version is less violent (plagues!), more humorous, and respectful to the story.

The RACE From Egypt features hand-crafted puppets, beautiful staging, rollicking original music, interaction, and humor, told in several segments:

Little Tiny Baby – Baby Moses is found floating in the Nile by a princess of Egypt.

The Burning Bush – Moses climbs Mount Horeb to find the burning bush where G-d gives him instructions to free the Jews.

Let Us Go! – Moses confronts the Pharaoh and convinces him (with G-d’s help!) to free the Jewish people.

The RACE from Egypt – The Jewish people pack fast (making matzoh!) and run from Egypt., only to be chased by Pharaoh and his army! This action-packed segment features the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea and the Jews’ narrow escape.

Bring the magic of Caravan Puppets to your event!